Monday, August 23, 2010

Just another Monday Macros..

     Hi guys! Welcome to another Monday Macros sponsored by The Bangles! :P
Anyway, today's first macro is a simple macro that will announce your target to your party. It can be used with any ability. It's in response to a comment I recieved last week. Remember, if you post a question I'll get back to you.

/cast spellname
/p my target is %t 
or /p casting spellname on %t

The first version of it is handy for tanks, while the second is more for CC.
     The second macro today is a handy macro for prospecting. Just keybind it and turn on auto-loot and prospect away!

/cast prospecting
/use titanium ore
/use saronite ore
/use cobalt ore

You can of course use any ore you desire.

     And for my last macro I'll give you a handy macro for solo or raiding. This will start attack on your target or, if in a raid, your focus' target.

/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noexists]
/assist focus
/cast spellname
/Script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Hope these help you guys!